
Hi, my name is Omar Louis White. I’m an native of Bloomington, Indiana and an alum of Indiana University’s School of Informatics and Computing. I’ve been interested in technology as far back as middle school, when I first learned about linux and installed my first instance of Ubuntu. I’ve come a long way since then. I’m fresh out of school so most of my experience still comes from my assignments, but I will be starting my first software engineering position in July with Target. I work a lot in Python, but also have experience with JavaScript and have done projects in Java, C, and PHP. Most of the projects I’ve done have been centered around web development, but I’m look to expand. I’m always looking to learn!

When I’m not coding I mostly spend my time hanging out with my friends, playing xbox, or reading. Now that I’m out of school I’m hoping to discovering some new hobbies other than studying. I’m looking forward to reteaching myself piano, reading a few good books, and enjoying post undergraduate life.

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