A Different Day A Different Redesign

Posted by Omar White on May 20, 2017 Return to Site

It seems like not too long ago I was working on redesigning this site and yet here I am again. Things have changed. I graduated, I’m preparing for a big move to Minneapolis Minnesota, and I have a lot more time on my hands. Thanks to school being over I can finally focus on projects outside of my school work. It’s a weird new feeling, the first week felt largely aimless, now in my second, going on third, week of post undergraduate life I’m starting to become more focused. I’ve started a list of projects I want to tackle and skills I want to pick up in these two months of downtime I have. Number one on that list was to redesign this site.

In December I set about on this exact same task and for a while was very happy with the design, but that only lasted so long. Soon I was clamoring to change this place up again, but didn’t have the time. Hopefully this layout will please me for longer than a month, but we will see.

I’m hoping to blog more on this site as well as over here as the summer goes on and eventually I transition into my new role in Target’s Technology Leadership Program. After 4 long years of work it seems like I’m finally about to get some payoff. I can’t express how excited I am to be starting my career, here’s to a hopefully productive, lucrative, and most importantly fun future!